Civic Tourism Civic Tourism - The Poetry & Politics of Place Now Available! Civic Tourism: The Poetry & Politics of Place By Dan Shilling, Foreword by Scott Russell Sanders
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Mission: Reframe Tourism



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What follows are website links to other organizations, public agencies, and foundations that help communities identify and preserve their sense of place, often for tourism purposes.

Center for Livable Communities - a California-based project that assists communities with land-use planning and transportation.

Center for Neighborhood Technology - promotes sustainability for urban communities.

Center for the Rocky Mountain West- headquartered in Missoula, this public policy institute examines issues of growth, culture, regionalism, and other pressing issues in the West.

Center of the American West - a university-based program in Boulder, this institute regularly tackles issues concerning community building in the West.

Community Tourism Planning & Design - a great Canadian program that emphasizes many of the concepts central to Civic Tourism. Good resource.

Creative Class - find out what the Creative Class is and why and how communities are planning to attract this group.

Cultural and Heritage Tourism Alliance - marketing professionals who share the challenge of attracting cultural and heritage tourists to their towns.

Cultural Heritage Tourism - a great website to help communities get started with cultural and heritage tourism.

Geotourism - a program of the National Geographic Society that sustains or enhances the geographical character of a place - its environment, culture, aesthetics, heritage, and the well-being of residents.

Kettering Foundation - the Kettering Foundation supports civic engagement projects around the world, a great resource.

Land Trust Alliance - the national federation of land trusts, provides information and resources on conservation issues.

National Civic League - a good resource for communities, particularly with strategic planning and civic engagement.

National Endowment for the Humanities - funding and information related to community history and heritage.

National Trust for Historic Preservation - a wealth of information about the value of historic structures; NTHP also operates an ambitious heritage tourism program.

Partners for Livable Communities - a great resource that for over 25 years has been helping towns create healthy environments.

Partners in Tourism - a coalition of national associations and federal agencies building a common agenda for cultural tourism.

Planeta - a global organization that provides information, training, online forums, and other resources that promote responsible tourism.

Preserve America - a White House coalition of preservation, cultural, and environmental federal agencies partnering to enhance historic properties.

Rebuilding Place in the Urban Space - a blog about place-making and all that makes it work – historic preservation, urban design, transportation, culture, economics, tourism, and quality of life.

Save America's Treasures - a national effort to protect "America's threatened cultural treasures.and illuminate the history and culture of the United States."

Smart City Radio - a weekly interview program that features the people behind innovative place-making enterprises.

Smart Growth Online - just what it says, information and resources for helping communities grow smart.

Sustainable Communities Network - a first-rate site that provides tons of resources, information, and tactics.

Sustainable Travel International - a very helpful Colorado program that promotes responsible tourism.


Now Available! Civic Tourism: The Poetry & Politics of Place By Dan Shilling, Foreword by Scott Russell Sanders

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Click here to watch Arizona Governor Janet Napolitano's welcome to the first Civic Tourism conference.